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wedding Videography
Charleston Wedding Videographers

We offer Cinematic High-Definition Wedding Videos in a variety of ways... 

We offer a budget friendly, mini-highlight
Just a highlight or a feature Film to cover your whole day

Your Investment

A 20% holiday fee is applied to any event scheduled for a major holiday (i.e. Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.)

Charleston Wedding Videographer

Mini Highlight


Up to 2 hours of coverage

2 videographers 

3-5 minute video highlight

Social media upload and share

Direct download



5 hours of coverage

2 videographers 

Drone Coverage

5-8 minute video highlight

Social media upload and share

Direct download

Feature Film


8 hours of coverage

2 videographers 

Drone Coverage

10-15 minute feature film

Social media upload and share

Direct download

Video Showcase


Full day of videography coverage

2 videographers 

Drone Coverage

1-2  minute video teaser

10-15 minute feature film

Social media upload and share

Direct download

All videos Include

A team of 2 
Multiple camera angles 
Audio (vows, toasts, letter readings and/or interviews)
Direct download
Social share


Charleston Wedding Videographer



Receive a separate video to include the full length of your toast request.  

Charleston Wedding Videographer

Full Ceremony


Receive a separate multi-angle video of your entire ceremony.

Charleston Wedding Videographer

Engagement Session


Engagement session video coverage. 1-2 minute video.

Charleston Wedding Videographer

Teaser Video


Add a 1-2 minute teaser video to any videography package.

Hugging the Bride

Full First Dances


Receive a separate multi-angle video of your first dances, start to finish!

Feature Films

Ashley and Shawn's Feature Film
Melissa and Stephan's Feature Film
Marissa and Jimmy's Feature Film
Carly and David's Feature Film
Sam & John's Feature Film
Victoria and Joe's Feature Film
Taylor and Brendan's Feature Film
Nicole and Chris' Feature Film


Jacqueline and Justin's Wedding Highlight!
Chris and Lorin's Highlight
Kristin and Kendall's Highlight
Caroline and Will's Highlight
Logan and Kindall - Highlight
Shelby & Paul's Highlight
Amy and Derrick's Wedding
Kelsey and Glen's Highlight


Casey & Casey's Mini highlight
Melissa and Stephan's Mini-Highlight
Courtney and Brad's Mini Highlight
Shannon & Parker's Mini Highlight
Kristen and Zachary's Mini Highlight
Morgan and Jacob's Mini Highlight
Julissa and Arturo's Mini Highlight


Emily and Brandon's Teaser
Sam and John's Teaser
Marissa and Jimmy's Teaser
Melissa and Phillip's Teaser
Kaelie and Justin's Teaser
Katie and Brent's Teaser
Melissa and Stephan's Mini-Highlight
Laura & Reeves' Teaser
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